focused care for the performance horse
Grand Prix Equine is a veterinary service dedicated to protecting and maintaining optimum performance in the equine athlete. Understanding the horse’s athletic ability is a key component to the well-being of the horse as well as the realization of the goals of both the owner and rider. We are committed to providing the best possible care in pursuit of this goal.
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About Grand Prix Equine
Grand Prix Equine is one of the largest privately owned equine veterinary practices in the Northeast. All of our services are provided where the horses live. Each doctor's vehicle is outfitted with a mobile equine ambulatory clinic.
Services: We perform endoscopy, sports medicine procedures, wellness care, and minor surgery (laceration repair, mass removal, cryotherapy, and castrations) all on your farm. When necessary, we refer cases to one of the local equine hospitals for advanced diagnostics, medical, and surgical care.
Locations: Our doctors are strategically located throughout Connecticut, Westchester, Long Island and Wellington. We will travel to many areas outside of our normal territory for lameness and purchase exams including Massachusetts, Aiken, and Florida.
Emergencies: We provide 24 hour emergency service only for the horses we see regularly for wellness care.
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