services we offer
Sports Medicine
At Grand Prix Equine, we pride ourselves on providing focused care for the performance horse. We understand your horse's performance and comfort are important to you, and everyone on our team is committed to helping you achieve your goals.
Lameness Diagnostics:
Digital Radiography
Diagnostic Analgesia (nerve blocks)
Hoof Balance Radiographs
Consultations and guided trimming with your farrier
Lameness & Sports Medicine Therapies
Intra-articular injections
Regenerative medicine
Purchase Exams

General Medicine & Wellness Care

Whether your horse is a top athlete or beloved companion, we are here to provide their comprehensive health and wellness care. We offer wellness plans as well as a customized approach to suit your horse's specific needs.
Yearly wellness exams and vaccinations
General medical care for illness
Geriatric care
Coggins tests
Laboratory testing
Nutrition consults
Health certificates
24/7 on-farm emergency service is provided to our full service clients. Full service is defined by those who receive their horse's comprehensive wellness care with our practice, being yearly wellness exam and vaccinations.
We have multiple state-of-the-art 3 meter and 1 meter quality endoscopy units to provide the same diagnostic quality your horse would receive in a hospital setting. Endoscopic procedures (scoping) of the upper airway and stomach can diagnose a wide range of issues including:
Gastric ulcers
Upper airway obstructions (roaring)
Soft palate displacement
Nasal discharge/nose bleeds
Guttural pouch infections

Chiropractic adjustments are provided by Dr. Luvie Abell (CT) and Dr. Nicole Zitzmann (LI). Both doctors received chiropractic training at Options for Animals and are certified by the IVCA. Top indications for chiropractic care are:
Neck and back pain/stiffness
Difficult bending
Weaker one direction or on one lead
Difficult lead changes
Change in performance
Loss of topline
Geriatric care
Improving general comfort and performance
Dr. Luvie Abell received training in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and Acupuncture at Chi University in 2023 and earned her CVA in 2024. She is passionate about incorporating TCVM into sports medicine, internal medicine and geriatric care. Top indicators for acupunture include:
Neck and back pain/stiffness
Nerve damage or injury
Geriatric care
Internal medicine: gastrointestinal issues, immune health, asthmas, etc.